The primary purpose of a building energy management system is to help building owners manage and optimize their energy usage. The building energy monitoring system uses a system made up of software and hardware tools to help eliminate unnecessary costs and risks. These energy management systems focus on running larger appliances like heat ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) at the highest possible level of efficiency, giving business owners one less cost to worry about. With the business management system estimated to grow from $1.0 billion in 2020 to $1.8 billion by 2025, there are more opportunities to install or upgrade these automated systems than ever before. Let’s take a look at your options and the key benefits of investing in a sustainable energy management system.

Overview of Building Energy Management Systems

building energy management system

Often confused with energy conservationbuilding energy management systems are used by electricity grid operators to maximize the effectiveness of all energy-consuming appliances. They gather operations data in real-time and amplify how well power plants and transmission systems are performing. Business energy management systems are a bit of an investment in terms of upfront costs. This is just because commercial buildings have a lot of appliances and use a lot of energy. In fact, they consumed 18% of all energy in the U.S. in 2019. If that doesn’t showcase the importance of sustainable energy planning and management in the commercial sector, read on to learn the advantages of building energy management systems.

Benefits of a Building Energy Management System

benefits of building energy management system

There are several advantages of building energy management systems. Building owners that utilize energy management solutions usually have a higher ROI than those who go without. Property managers in New York City will find these management systems especially useful in helping them achieve an efficiency score complying with Local Law 84. Let’s take a deeper look into the benefits of having a building energy management system:

1. Spend less money on utilities

Building energy management solutions contribute to a higher ROI by reducing all utility costs. They do so by sustaining a healthy balance between energy use and building operation. The energy management software also collects and stores data on the matter. This helps reduce costs in the future as well because the data will help make the next generation of building management solutions. It does so by determining best practices to minimize costs and the capacity for downtime, all without risking any IT assets. This will also help allocate a more accurate amount of funds for utilities when preparing annual budgets.

2. Increase employee productivity

Newer versions of building energy management systems monitor the appliances that maintain a certain level of comfort in the building’s environment. This includes the temperature the thermostat is set at, the air quality, and the lighting. When the office environment is upgraded, the productivity level of the employees follows suit. The office building energy management system will also provide a thorough breakdown of energy consumption through the use of preventive and predictive maintenance options. Utilizing these will increase the system’s own shelf life and reduce any and all unnecessary use of energy-consuming appliances. It will also be less time-consuming for the employees who manage and budget utilities, creating more time for them to be productive in other areas of the business. There are plenty of ways your business can cut costs by practicing energy conservation, but everyone knows the best processes are always automated nowadays.

3. Show that you care about the environment

building energy management systems are eco-friendly

As previously mentioned, commercial buildings use a LOT of energy. Climate experts and activists alike find commercial building’s energy use levels to be concerning. The biggest concern is the increase in emissions that can have negative consequences to our environment, including rising temperatures and natural disasters. It’s alarming enough that most building owners already know that reducing pollution and energy usage is just as important as reducing their energy bills. Employing an energy management system will naturally decrease energy consumption and increase eco-friendly processes like energy efficiency. This is something your company’s customers, business partners, and community will appreciate. By promoting your energy conservation efforts, you’re showing people that you prioritize sustainable energy planning and management. This also shows your company knows how to work and manage operations efficiently.

4. Improve your building’s resources

In addition to improving employee productivity, energy management systems upgrade the building’s overall resources. By cutting costs on energy usage, you are creating more wiggle room in your budget to upgrade other areas of your business. These areas include things like marketing, technology, CRM platforms, onboarding costs, bonuses, raises, and more. Resources like these will always give you a leg up on your competitors so you stand out to both future customers and employees. They can also help you easily maintain and even upgrade your building in the future.

5. Automated maintenance

business energy system automated maintenance

As previously mentioned, office building energy management systems collect data on the building’s energy consumption. This data-collecting tool is constantly collecting data from the devices linked to it. These include devices such as:

Integrating these devices with your building energy management platform creates a completely automated system that can program and set alarms, detect potential errors and repairs. It also solves the errors and completes repairs, which will help avoid any mistakes in the future. This eliminates unnecessary maintenance and monitoring. Additionally, this is especially useful if your business uses appliances that don’t permit much time, if any, for downtime. The platform enables extracting the essential insights from the data, which makes it simple to identify any areas where downtime can be reduced.

Business Energy Management System Summary

The advantages of building energy management systems include saving money, increasing employee productivity, improving your company’s image and its resources, and automated maintenance. These benefits will substantially increase the ROI received from installing an energy management platform in your building. 

At Aggressive Energy, we’ll work collaboratively to find the building energy management system that’s right for your business. We offer cloud-based energy management, which allows clients to easily and accurately benchmark their portfolio. We help our clients make cost-effective decisions by taking the time to understand their unique needs and goals.

Energy Conservation Tips to Reduce Office Expenses

In this article we are going to break down the top energy conservation techniques for your business. We all know running an office is expensive, and one of the largest costs involved is also the most unpredictable: The monthly energy bill. The average cost of utilities for office buildings is $2.10 per square foot, but that number frequently fluctuates depending on what season it is, the region you’re in, and the resources being used. Here’s why business owners everywhere are implementing energy conservation procedures in the office to cut back on unnecessary costs, and energy saving tips to help you start doing the same in your business.

What is Energy Conservation?

what is energy conservation You can define energy conservation as choosing to make a conscious effort to reduce energy consumption by either using less of it, or using it more efficiently. People usually adopt this behavior to reduce their utility costs as well as their environmental impact. There are several methods to save energy, including day-to-day behaviors and installing energy efficient products.

How It’s Different From Energy Efficiency

Though energy efficiency is closely connected to conservation through their shared goal of saving energy, it does have its own meaning. Conservation focuses on behavioral changes, while efficiency focuses on using products that use less energy. For example, you practice energy conservation by turning off the lights when you leave the room, and energy efficiency when you replace the light with an energy saving light bulb

Energy Saving Tips For Office Buildings

While investing in energy efficient products will be helpful in the long run, there are several ways for business owners to save electricity with little to no cost upfront. In fact, just changing the behaviors of your staff can greatly impact your ability to reduce energy consumption. To help, we’ve put together a comprehensive list of energy saving tips for businesses big and small.

Conduct an Energy Audit

The best way to start developing your office energy conservation procedures is to conduct an energy audit. You can either hire someone to do this, which may be the best choice for larger businesses, or you can do it on your own simply by walking around the building to evaluate office energy use. During the audit, you’ll want to evaluate staff behavior and the utilities your office uses. Doing this helps you identify all areas and appliances your checklist of energy conservation techniques needs to include. Don’t forget to include things you may not touch every day, such as the thermostat and refrigerator temperature. 

Easy Product Switches

energy efficient light bulbs Using energy efficient products is one of the best ways to save energy because it doesn’t rely as much on changing people’s daily routines. These products are designed to help people easily save on their electricity bills. Here are some products you can replace with a low-cost energy efficient alternative: And many more! Just be sure to verify their Energy Star rating before buying, especially when purchasing a larger appliance. 

Using Office Products Wisely

After completing your energy audit and identifying which efficient products you intend to start using, it’s time to start implementing daily energy conservation techniques for office staff. A few suggestions include:
  • Turning automatic sleep mode on all computers and requesting that staff turn their computers off before leaving for the weekend.
  • Being conscious of your office’s printer usage by utilizing digital materials over paper as often as possible.
  • Using power strips.
  • Requesting that staff hand wash kitchen dishes and leaving them out to air dry when possible.
  • Limiting the amount of people who have access to the thermostat.
  • Implementing a work from home policy (if you haven’t already) to reduce the amount of energy used in the office each day. 
  • Turning off lights when you leave the room and utilizing natural light when appropriate.

How to Implement Energy Conservation Techniques With Your Staff

implement office energy conservation with staff The most difficult part of implementing office energy conservation practices is having to rely on people to change their daily routines. No matter how good of an employee someone is, people are creatures of habit and naturally will need a bit of an adjustment period. To help them adapt to these changes as smoothly as possible, it’s best to start by educating them on why saving energy is important for both your company and the planet. 

Making The Process Fun and Personalized

Working with your human resources director, come up with ways to engage your employees so that they’ll be more willing to make a conscious effort to change their habits. You can make it a competition where the office votes on who has made the most improvement and reward the winner, or you could just provide lunch for everyone one day as a way to say thank you. Another way to motivate them is pointing out that that less money spent on the energy bill means more money available for new projects and technology, office parties, or even annual bonuses. It’s also a good idea to have your new energy saving strategy condensed onto an easy-to-read flyer that you can tape a few copies of around the office at places where an extra reminder may be needed, such as in the kitchen or at the printer. Sending a few office-wide email reminders can’t hurt, either! Whatever methods you choose, just be sure to make it personal by showing them how they will benefit from energy conservation too.

To Sum Up

Each year, business owners are spending more and more money paying for electricity than they need to. This is because they aren’t implementing any office energy conservation procedures. In order to reduce business expenses spent on your energy bill, it’s important to understand what energy conservation and efficiency is and how it can help you as well as the environment. Contrary to what you may have previously thought, becoming an energy efficient business isn’t complicated and can be done at little to no upfront cost. To get your employees motivated to swap their usual daily habits for  energy conscious, implement new office protocols in a way that motivates and informs them. If done correctly, you’ll be saving energy and money all while boosting your team’s morale.  For additional energy management tools be sure to check out our small business energy management page!